Здружение на преведувачи и толкувачи на РС Македонија
10:00 - 14:00 CET
10:00 Opening remarks, Ms. Ana Popova Manasievska, MATA President
PART 1: On the road to the EU
10:15 – 10:30 Mr. Nikola Dimitrov, Vice President of the Government of North Macedonia, Secretariat for European Affairs
10:30 – 10:45 Ambassador David Geer, Head of the Delegation of the European Union to North Macedonia
10:45 – 11:45 Ms. Merit Ene Ilja, Director in DG Translation, European Commission, Brussels
“Translating for the EU”
11:45 - 12:15 Mr. Javier Hernandez Saseta, Head of the Unit “Multilingualism and Knowledge Development, DG Interpretation, European Commission, Brussels "Conference interpreting for the EU institutions”
12:15 – 12:30 Prof. Dr. Milan Damjanovski, Head, Master Studies on Conference Interpreting, Faculty of Philology, University “St. Cyril and Methodius”
“Brief presentation of the Master studies in conference interpreting”
12:30 – 13:00 Ms. Sladjana Angelova, Head, Unit for Revision and Terminology, Secretariat of European Affairs, Government of NM
“Challenges faced during the preparation process the national version of the European “aquis”
13:00-14:00 DISCUSSION
(moderator: Lukrecija Maljkovic Atanasovska, PhD, Coordinator, MATA Conference Interpretation Work Group)

14:00 - 15:00 CET
A quick break to absorb all that useful information from the morning session and get refreshed for the afternoon session.

15:00 - 17:45 CET
PАRТ II: Our profession and the future
15:00-15:30 Mr. Renato Beninatto, CEO Nimdzi Insights:
“Trends, Patterns, Forecasts and reality in the Language industry”
15:30- 16:10 Mr. Doug Lawrence, Consultant and Expert, Lecturer on the Aston University MA in Translation and the University of Warwick e-Business degree
“The Influence and the Influencers in Translation”
16:10 – 16:45 Ms. Esther Bond, research Director at Slator.com
“The Translation and Localization industry in 2020”
16:45 – 17:45 DISCUSSION
(moderator: Ms. Hristina Dojcinova Koceva, Member, MATA Conference Committee)
17:45 PM
17:45 Closing remarks, Ms. Ana Popova Manasievska, MATA President
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